#!/usr/bin/perl $VERSION = '0.76'; use strict; use Config; use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling no_ignore_case); use Module::ScanDeps; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use subs qw( _name _modtree ); my $usage = "Usage: $0 [ -B ] [ -V ] [ -T ] [ -x [ --xargs STRING ] | -c ] [ -R ] [-C FILE ] [ -e STRING | FILE ... ]\n"; my %opts; GetOptions(\%opts, "B|bundle", "C|cachedeps=s", "c|compile", "e|eval=s", "xargs=s", "R|no-recurse", "T|modtree", "V|verbose", "x|execute", ) or die $usage; my (%map, %skip); my $core = $opts{B}; my $verbose = $opts{V}; my $eval = $opts{e}; my $recurse = $opts{R} ? 0 : 1; my $modtree = {} unless $opts{T}; # i.e. disable it unless explicitly requested if ($eval) { require File::Temp; my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile( UNLINK => 1 ); print $fh $eval, "\n" or die $!; close $fh; push @ARGV, $filename; } if ($opts{x} && defined $opts{xargs}) { require Text::ParseWords; $opts{x} = [ Text::ParseWords::shellwords($opts{xargs}) ]; } die $usage unless @ARGV; my @files = @ARGV; while (<>) { next unless /^package\s+([\w:]+)/; $skip{$1}++; } my $map = scan_deps( files => \@files, recurse => $recurse, $opts{x} ? ( execute => $opts{x} ) : $opts{c} ? ( compile => 1 ) : (), $opts{V} ? ( warn_missing => 1 ) : (), $opts{C} ? ( cache_file => $opts{C}) : (), ); my $len = 0; my @todo; my (%seen, %dist, %core, %bin); foreach my $key (sort keys %$map) { my $mod = $map->{$key}; my $name = $mod->{name} = _name($key); print "# $key [$mod->{type}]\n" if $verbose; if ($mod->{type} eq 'shared') { $key =~ s!auto/!!; $key =~ s!/[^/]+$!!; $key =~ s!/!::!; $bin{$key}++; } next unless $mod->{type} eq 'module'; next if $skip{$name}; my $privPath = "$Config::Config{privlibexp}/$key"; my $archPath = "$Config::Config{archlibexp}/$key"; $privPath =~ s|\\|\/|og; $archPath =~ s|\\|\/|og; if ($mod->{file} eq $privPath or $mod->{file} eq $archPath) { next unless $core; $core{$name}++; } elsif (my $dist = _modtree->{$name}) { $seen{$name} = $dist{$dist->package}++; } $len = length($name) if $len < length($name); $mod->{used_by} ||= []; push @todo, $mod; } $len += 2; print "#\n# Legend: [C]ore [X]ternal [S]ubmodule [?]NotOnCPAN\n" if $verbose; foreach my $mod (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @todo ) { my $version = MM->parse_version($mod->{file}); if (!$verbose) { printf "%-${len}s => '$version',", "'$mod->{name}'" if $version; } else { printf "%-${len}s => '0', # ", "'$mod->{name}'"; my @base = map(_name($_), @{$mod->{used_by}}); print $seen{$mod->{name}} ? 'S' : ' '; print $bin{$mod->{name}} ? 'X' : ' '; print $core{$mod->{name}} ? 'C' : ' '; print _modtree && !_modtree->{$mod->{name}} ? '?' : ' '; print " # "; print "@base" if @base; } print "\n"; } warn "No modules found!\n" unless @todo; sub _name { my $str = shift; $str =~ s!/!::!g; $str =~ s!.pm$!!i; $str =~ s!^auto::(.+)::.*!$1!; return $str; } sub _modtree { $modtree ||= eval { require CPANPLUS::Backend; CPANPLUS::Backend->new->module_tree; } || {}; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME scandeps.pl - Scan file prerequisites =head1 SYNOPSIS % scandeps.pl *.pm # Print PREREQ_PM section for *.pm % scandeps.pl -e 'STRING' # Scan an one-liner % scandeps.pl -B *.pm # Include core modules % scandeps.pl -V *.pm # Show autoload/shared/data files % scandeps.pl -R *.pm # Don't recurse % scandeps.pl -C CACHEFILE # use CACHEFILE to cache dependencies =head1 DESCRIPTION F<scandeps.pl> is a simple-minded utility that prints out the C<PREREQ_PM> section needed by modules. If the option C<-T> is specified and you have B<CPANPLUS> installed, modules that are part of an earlier module's distribution with be denoted with C<S>; modules without a distribution name on CPAN are marked with C<?>. Also, if the C<-B> option is specified, module belongs to a perl distribution on CPAN (and thus uninstallable by C<CPAN.pm> or C<CPANPLUS.pm>) are marked with C<C>. Finally, modules that has loadable shared object files (usually needing a compiler to install) are marked with C<X>; with the C<-V> flag, those files (and all other files found) will be listed before the main output. Additionally, all module files that the scanned code depends on but were not found (and thus not scanned recursively) are listed. These may include genuinely missing modules or false positives. That means, modules your code does not depend on (on this particular platform) but that were picked up by the heuristic anyway. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-e>, B<--eval>=I<STRING> Scan I<STRING> as a string containing perl code. =item B<-c>, B<--compile> Compiles the code and inspects its C<%INC>, in addition to static scanning. =item B<-x>, B<--execute> Executes the code and inspects its C<%INC>, in addition to static scanning. You may use B<--xargs> to specify C<@ARGV> when executing the code. =item B<--xargs>=I<STRING> If B<-x> is given, splits the C<STRING> using the function C<shellwords> from L<Text::ParseWords> and passes the result as C<@ARGV> when executing the code. =item B<-B>, B<--bundle> Include core modules in the output and the recursive search list. =item B<-R>, B<--no-recurse> Only show dependencies found in the files listed and do not recurse. =item B<-V>, B<--verbose> Verbose mode: Output all files found during the process; show dependencies between modules and availability. Additionally, warns of any missing dependencies. If you find missing dependencies that aren't really dependencies, you have probably found false positives. =item B<-C>, B<--cachedeps>=I<CACHEFILE> Use CACHEFILE to speed up the scanning process by caching dependencies. Creates CACHEFILE if it does not exist yet. =item B<-T>, B<--modtree> Retrieves module information from CPAN if you have B<CPANPLUS> installed. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Module::ScanDeps>, L<CPANPLUS::Backend>, L<PAR> =head1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Simon Cozens, for suggesting this script to be written. =head1 AUTHORS Audrey Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Audrey Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html> =cut