#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

  use DBIx::Class;
  die (  'The following modules are required for the dbicadmin utility: '
       . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('admin_script')
       . "\n"
  ) unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('admin_script');

use DBIx::Class::Admin::Descriptive;
#use Getopt::Long::Descriptive;
use DBIx::Class::Admin;

my $short_description = "utility for administrating DBIx::Class schemata";
my $synopsis_text =q|
  deploy a schema to a database
  %c --schema=MyApp::Schema \
    --connect='["dbi:SQLite:my.db", "", ""]' \

  update an existing record
  %c --schema=MyApp::Schema --class=Employee \
    --connect='["dbi:SQLite:my.db", "", ""]' \
    --op=update --set='{ "name": "New_Employee" }'

my ($opts, $usage) = describe_options(
    "%c: %o",
    ["action" => hidden => { one_of => [
      ['create' => 'Create version diffs needs preversion'],
      ['upgrade' => 'Upgrade the database to the current schema'],
      ['install' => 'Install the schema version tables to an existing database'],
      ['deploy' => 'Deploy the schema to the database'],
      ['select'   => 'Select data from the schema'],
      ['insert'   => 'Insert data into the schema'],
      ['update'   => 'Update data in the schema'],
      ['delete'   => 'Delete data from the schema'],
      ['op:s' => 'compatibility option all of the above can be supplied as --op=<action>'],
      ['help' => 'display this help', { implies => { schema_class => '__dummy__' } } ],
      ['documentation-as-pod:s' => 'hidden', { implies => { schema_class => '__dummy__' } } ],
    ], required => 1 }],
    ["configuration" => hidden => { one_of => [
      ['config-file|config:s' => 'Supply the config file for parsing by Config::Any', { depends => 'config_stanza'} ],
      ['connect-info:s%' => 'Supply the connect info as trailing options e.g. --connect-info dsn=<dsn> user=<user> password=<pass>' ],
      ['connect:s' => 'Supply the connect info as a JSON-encoded structure, e.g. an --connect=["dsn","user","pass"]'],
    ] }],
    ['schema-class:s' => 'The class of the schema to load', { required => 1 } ],
    ['config-stanza:s' => 'Where in the config to find the connection_info, supply in form MyApp::Model::DB',],
    ['resultset|resultset-class|class:s' => 'The resultset to operate on for data manipulation' ],
    ['sql-dir:s' => 'The directory where sql diffs will be created'],
    ['sql-type:s' => 'The RDBMs flavour you wish to use'],
    ['version:i' => 'Supply a version install'],
    ['preversion:s' => 'The previous version to diff against',],
    ['set:s' => 'JSON data used to perform data operations' ],
    ['attrs:s' => 'JSON string to be used for the second argument for search'],
    ['where:s' => 'JSON string to be used for the where clause of search'],
    ['force' => 'Be forceful with some operations'],
    ['trace' => 'Turn on DBIx::Class trace output'],
    ['quiet' => 'Be less verbose'],
    ['I:s@' => 'Same as perl\'s -I, prepended to current @INC'],

if(defined (my $fn = $opts->{documentation_as_pod}) ) {

  if ($fn) {
    require File::Spec;
    require File::Path;
    my $dir = File::Spec->catpath( (File::Spec->splitpath($fn))[0,1] );

  local *STDOUT if $fn;
  open (STDOUT, '>', $fn) or die "Unable to open $fn: $!\n" if $fn;

  print STDOUT "\n";
  print STDOUT $usage->pod;
  print STDOUT "\n";

  close STDOUT if $fn;
  exit 0;

# FIXME - lowercasing will eventually go away when Getopt::Long::Descriptive is fixed
if($opts->{i}) {
  require lib;
  lib->import( @{delete $opts->{i}} );

if($opts->{help}) {

# option compatibility mangle
# (can not be joined in the spec, one is s% the other is s)
if($opts->{connect}) {
  $opts->{connect_info} = delete $opts->{connect};

my $admin = DBIx::Class::Admin->new( %$opts );

my $action = $opts->{action};

$action = $opts->{op} if ($action eq 'op');

print "Performing action $action...\n";

my $res = $admin->$action();
if ($action eq 'select') {

  my $format = $opts->{format} || 'tsv';
  die('Invalid format') if ($format!~/^tsv|csv$/s);

  require Text::CSV;

  my $csv = Text::CSV->new({
    sep_char => ( $format eq 'tsv' ? "\t" : ',' ),

  foreach my $row (@$res) {
    $csv->combine( @$row );
    print $csv->string()."\n";



=head1 NAME

dbicadmin - utility for administrating DBIx::Class schemata


dbicadmin: [-I] [long options...]

  deploy a schema to a database
  dbicadmin --schema=MyApp::Schema \
    --connect='["dbi:SQLite:my.db", "", ""]' \

  update an existing record
  dbicadmin --schema=MyApp::Schema --class=Employee \
    --connect='["dbi:SQLite:my.db", "", ""]' \
    --op=update --set='{ "name": "New_Employee" }'

=head1 OPTIONS



=head2 Actions



=item B<--create>

Create version diffs needs preversion


=item B<--upgrade>

Upgrade the database to the current schema


=item B<--install>

Install the schema version tables to an existing database


=item B<--deploy>

Deploy the schema to the database


=item B<--select>

Select data from the schema


=item B<--insert>

Insert data into the schema


=item B<--update>

Update data in the schema


=item B<--delete>

Delete data from the schema


=item B<--op>

compatibility option all of the above can be supplied as --op=<action>


=item B<--help>

display this help



=head2 Arguments



=item B<--config-file> or B<--config>

Supply the config file for parsing by Config::Any


=item B<--connect-info>

Supply the connect info as trailing options e.g. --connect-info dsn=<dsn> user=<user> password=<pass>


=item B<--connect>

Supply the connect info as a JSON-encoded structure, e.g. an --connect=["dsn","user","pass"]


=item B<--schema-class>

The class of the schema to load


=item B<--config-stanza>

Where in the config to find the connection_info, supply in form MyApp::Model::DB


=item B<--resultset> or B<--resultset-class> or B<--class>

The resultset to operate on for data manipulation


=item B<--sql-dir>

The directory where sql diffs will be created


=item B<--sql-type>

The RDBMs flavour you wish to use


=item B<--version>

Supply a version install


=item B<--preversion>

The previous version to diff against


=item B<--set>

JSON data used to perform data operations


=item B<--attrs>

JSON string to be used for the second argument for search


=item B<--where>

JSON string to be used for the where clause of search


=item B<--force>

Be forceful with some operations


=item B<--trace>

Turn on DBIx::Class trace output


=item B<--quiet>

Be less verbose


=item B<-I>

Same as perl's -I, prepended to current @INC



=head1 AUTHORS

See L<DBIx::Class/AUTHORS>

=head1 LICENSE

You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself
